Storytelling for Older Adults
Event Outline
  1. Welcome
    Your professional host or a member of your team will welcome volunteers to the event.
  2. Team-Building Game
    Volunteers will participate in a customized and interactive icebreaker game.
  3. Social Cause & Your Impact
    Volunteers will learn about the cause and the impact of their donations.
  4. Skill-Building & Hands-On Activity
    Volunteers will receive training, learn new skills, and create an item to be donated.
  5. Sharing
    Volunteers will be invited to share their experiences and strengthen relationships through guided activities.
  6. Closing
    Your event culminates with a celebration of your team’s impact on the cause and a joyful farewell.
About the Cause

There are approximately 2 million older adults living in nursing homes today. Many of them suffer from isolation and loneliness. Recorded stories are able to bring joy and a human connection to combat those negative feelings when in person connection isn’t possible. These video stories have also proven especially helpful for activity directors in memory care units, where they use the stories as memory triggers for patients with dementia.

In the Event

Volunteers will work with a professional actor to learn storytelling skills and in small groups identify and develop story ideas that connect us through the generations. They will record a 1-2 minute video story on a computer or a smartphone before uploading it for an older adult in a nursing home or assisted living center to view.

Learn about our Hosts

Our hosts are brought from the stages of Broadway, national television shows, and more. They thrive in creating dynamic environments that will get your team excited to volunteer and bond together for an inspirational event. Hear from the stars of Mary Poppins, Wicked, and more!

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